

When we talk about parenting and taking care of kids, it can take a lot of work to figure out what you should do and where you should start. The reality, of course, is that when you have kids, no guide is given to you on how to raise your children or how to connect with them. One of the most important things to consider is that the way you understand and relate to your child Will shape how they relate and connect to others in the future. So, if you’re not sure how you can socially help your child grow let us give you a few wholesome ways to better understand your kids and how to relate to them on the human level.

Treat your child like a person

This might take a lot of people by surprise because most people don’t realize they do it but it is very important to not treat your child like they are less than a person. What this means concretely is that when you talk to your child you shouldn’t dumb down the way you speak for them to understand instead you should help them to understand what you mean to give them a larger vocabulary. So practicing language with them whether it is true naming toys or reading books together can be a great way to not only bond with your child but also give them the tools necessary to express themselves and allow themselves to be understood by you when they need it. After all, being able to put the words on the emotions, they feel is the best way for you to know how they feel instead of doing guesswork.

Practicing empathy

While many people debate the fact that most humans are born with empathy it can still very much be taught. According to many people, empathy is like a muscle that you need to stretch and work. This is why teaching empathy to a young child is very important if you want them to take others into account and learn to live A good life surrounded by good people. This is why if for example your child hits you or does something that upsets you it’s important to make them understand that what they do has consequences on the feelings of others and vice versa with their feelings. Allowing your child to understand the emotional state of others is a great way to allow them to understand how to relate to others socially and build trust with others including you as their parent.

Understand your child’s design

Filling out a human design chart allows you to understand your energy as well as your child’s whether it is through astrology or similar systems. While many of them are too young to fill out their charts or bodygraphs themselves, you as the parent can fill out a human design chart for them to figure out their type and profile. It is not only a fun way to understand the balance of their energy centers, but it is also incredibly easy since you can find a human design chart here online. This will not only allow you to understand your child’s personality but also guide them to take fully understand their strategy and authority. If this system sounds beneficial to you, you should look further into the mystical teachings of Ra Uru Hu about Human designs and it’s potential benefits..

Invest time in their activities

The reality is that as adults often we don’t have time for ourselves especially because of work and all the chores and things we have to do around the house. Still, it is very important to put time aside to not only spend time with your child but also spend time doing things they love to understand why they love them and what it brings them. It is very important to understand that not only is your child their person, but they also have their hobbies and center of interests. This is why it is essential to never denigrate anything your child loves and instead show them that you are willing to understand and learn from them. This will not only allow you to better understand what your child likes but also make them feel more comfortable when it comes to confiding to you. After all building trust is the most important part of parenting.

As you can see there are many ways that you can connect with your child and understand them better and most of them will bring you closer to them not only as a parent but as people. Allowing your child to have an anchor socially when it comes to their relationship with you will allow them to not only be more open to social interactions but also be able to feel like they can confide in you and lean on you if they need to.

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